10 Security Checks For Your Home
Moving into a new home, whether you’re a new homeowner or you rent, comes with security issues. You want to be as secure as possible, and our ten security checks for your home helps to ensure that your entire family will be safe and secure.
Winter Dock Lock Problems
Are you stuck with a frozen lock?
We have here some tips to prevent winter door lock problems.
During winter door locks tend to turn sluggard and faulty which can be incredibly frustrating and annoying. This may be due to moisture inside the lock that makes it hard or caused by an accumulation of dirt and oil over a long period of time.
Locksmith Near Me in Melbourne
24/7 Emergency Locksmith Services around Melbourne
Mobile locksmith ready to serve you around Melbourne every minute of every day
Have you been locked out of your home, office or car?
One way to immediately remedy the situation is to do an internet research like what everyone does this modern day. You can simply type the words ‘locksmith near me‘ or simply ask Siri or Google. The search will get you some results and locksmith services for you to contact. However, the next question would be – do you know which one to call? You can reply on Melbourne City Locksmiths!
Master Key VS Re-key
Corporate Security: Master Key VS Re-key
(from MLAA)
When it comes to commercial security needs, keys are always at the very heart of the matter.
How many keys do we require? How do we manage and distribute the keys? Should staff be able to access all areas of the building? What are our security risks?
These are all questions that confront business owners, landlords, property managers, body corporates and the like when assessing their keying and security requirements.
A Master Key System may be the answer you’re seeking!
Roller Shutter Security
Get Serious with Home Security: Roller Shutter Locks
Every homeowner takes home security seriously. But in our troubled times, security is being threatened more than ever as residents are being exposed to a new kind of trepidation–home invasions!
This is a daunting reality, even in Melbourne, VIC.
There are many ways in which we can protect our home and family. Alarm systems, fences, locked gates, dogs, security screens and CCTV just to name a few. The objective put simply is to “stop thieves from entering the home”. Yet these items fail may not be enough to do this.
Winter Home Security
Protecting Your Home From Burglars During Winter
It is a known fact that crime during the winter months increases, particularly burglaries.
Statistically, you’re most likely to be burgled at 5pm on a Friday afternoon in October and least likely to be broken into just after midnight on a Sunday in February.